Writing the tree to a file is called ‘serialization’ and reading back from the file to reconstruct the exact same binary tree is ‘deserialization’.To serialize a binary tree we need to store information of inorder and one of preoder/postorder traversals in arrays and transfer the data . De-serialization can be done using inorder and preorder data. If the tree is a Binary Search Tree then we need only preorder /postorder.
Following is the code to create a binary tree from inorder and preorder traversals.I have not tested it, there may be typos.
struct TreeNode
struct TreeNode* left;
struct TreeNode* right;
int elem;
TreeNode* BinaryTreeFromOrderings(int* inorder, int* preorder, int length)
if(length == 0)
return NULL;
//We have root then;
TreeNode* node = new TreeNode;
node->elem = *inorder;
int rootIndex = 0;
for(;rootIndex < length; rootIndex++)
if(inorder[rootIndex] == *inorder)
node->left = BinaryTreeFromOrderings(inorder+1, preorder, rootIndex);
node->right = BinaryTreeFromOrderings(inorder + rootIndex + 1, preorder + rootIndex + 1, length - (rootIndex + 1));
return node;
Following is the code to create a binary tree from inorder and preorder traversals.I have not tested it, there may be typos.
struct TreeNode
struct TreeNode* left;
struct TreeNode* right;
int elem;
TreeNode* BinaryTreeFromOrderings(int* inorder, int* preorder, int length)
if(length == 0)
return NULL;
//We have root then;
TreeNode* node = new TreeNode;
node->elem = *inorder;
int rootIndex = 0;
for(;rootIndex < length; rootIndex++)
if(inorder[rootIndex] == *inorder)
node->left = BinaryTreeFromOrderings(inorder+1, preorder, rootIndex);
node->right = BinaryTreeFromOrderings(inorder + rootIndex + 1, preorder + rootIndex + 1, length - (rootIndex + 1));
return node;
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